
Mrs. Chiriya (in the middle with red shirt) became the first believer in her family about 8 years ago. Later she led two of her nieces (not in the picture), four children, her sister (in the purple dress) to the Lord, and  her brother (in the white shirt) to the Lord. The brother was baptized few months ago and her sister now loves the Lord and is involved in serving God.


Our Sunday Service is at 9AM. We welcome everyone who wants to join our great community of Christ’s followers. About 60 to 80 people usually join our Sunday services every week. So if you are staying in Phnom Penh, we also would like to invite you to join our worship service too. 

Church Service at Gospel Commission Fellowship

Church Ministry

Seven years God provided us with opportunity to do outreaches in seven public schools in Kampong Speu Province, and an estimated 3,000 children were able to hear about Jesus. However, we have not been able to continue there as there is no dedicated teacher to teach them, even just once a weekly. 

Visit Children School

Children Ministry

There are 35 students living in our dormitory now. On Sunday 7th May 2023, Ps. Chey Narin took the opportunity to spend some time with the students to encourage them to learn more about Jesus. He was able to share the Gospel with all of the students. Praise God 6 students decided to pray to receive Jesus Christ into their life.

Sharing the gospel with youth

Youth Ministry

The Students of today are the leaders of tomorrow, so reaching the students today with the Gospel will transform our nation tomorrow. But at the same time if we reach the businessmen and professionals today, these are the leaders today. So if they are transformed, the transformation of our country will take place today.


⸺ 14TH MAY 2023

Business and Professional Ministry​

In Cambodia, there aren’t many places where Christians can go for a retreat. There are many available secular places but not affordable on a low budget and these secular places are sometimes not supportive of Christian gatherings.

Camping and Rest for Students and Ministers

Retreat Center

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