Every believer needs to go to Church to worship the Lord with other believers. Church is crucial to every believer as a place to gather His people to worship, to encouraging one another, to listen and learn from the Word of God so that we know how to live a life pleasing to Him and grow stronger and deeper in our faith.

church planting
Church Planting
Happy Women's day

Our mission and obligation is to share the Word of God to everyone on earth, so that everyone has the chance to hear and believe in Jesus Christ, and to worship God with other believers in the Church. 

In Cambodia, there are thousands of Buddhist temples around the country. Every village has a temple. There are also Muslim mosques in many provinces. Sadly, there are few Christian Churches. WHY?

There are only about 2% Christians in Cambodia compared with 85% Buddhists, 5% Muslims, and about 8% of other religions or beliefs.

As a servant of God, it is very sad to see that the Christian population is the lowest despite the fact that compared to neighboring countries such as Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, evangelism and discipleship is not restricted here. The following reasons contribute to the low growth of the Christian population:

  • Low number of workers; Pastors and Missionaries
  • There is low enrollment at the few Bible Schools in the country, even though most schools are concentrated in the capital city. It is commonly believed that there’s no future and no income for Bible School graduates, so enroll in secular schools instead.
  • There is low financial support or no support at all to sustain the works of full-time Pastors or local missionaries.
  • There is little cooperation or unity among Cambodian Christians. There is neither a unified voice nor strong leadership.

Our goal is to plant a new Church every year, starting from this 2023. We are calling it: One Year, One Church.

From GCF as the HUB CHURCH, we want to move and expand His kingdom to plant more Churches because people are dying Every day and they need God. They need to hear the love of God and His salvation.

We praise God that by His power and grace, He has already begun to answer our prayers. In January 2023, we were able to plant a new Church called GCF Kombol led by Pastor Hang Chanrith. We are now praying to plant another one (Our Vision of One Year, One Church) in January 2024. In our own strength we cannot do this, but by the power of God, we can!

In the past five years, there were many Pastors and Christian workers who resigned from full time post as they needed to find other jobs to provide for their family’s needs. A few of them continued to serve as part time but a few permanently stooped serving the Lord.

This is disturbing and brought sadness to me or to any Christian worker zealous for God’s work; as we want to see the Ministry grow. We want to see thousand souls to be saved every day and want to see Churches spread everywhere, but instead of seeing that, the Church is stuck and it seems going backward?

But we don’t lose hope, as long as we still have the passion, zealousness and faith to serve the Lord, God will do His part and will bring revival and God will transform our nation and God’s Church will be planted everywhere.

In order for us to start a church, here is

the projected monthly need:

Rental for building & utility:   $350.00

Pastor’s Salary:                           $350.00

Outreach and Disciple:           $100.00

Other Costs of operations:   $50.00

TOTAL:                                          $800.00

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