“Reaching students today transforms the nation tomorrow. Our students of today are the leaders of tomorrow.”  

This saying depicts the truth. Students are preparing to become Businessmen or Professionals. They will become influencers in the society and community in the span of 4-6 years.

Reaching and discipling students nowadays is not easy, unlike 20 years ago. Their hearts become harder and harder to accept Jesus. Materialism has invaded their hearts.

GCF has envisioned reaching out to young minds by setting up residential dormitories in the city where they will come for their tertiary education. Setting up dormitories for university students who need a place to stay in the city is strategic. In the span of 4 years, they are exposed to the Gospel and eventually understand their need for a Savior. If Churches will not open their buildings for them, they will go and stay in the Pagodas or temples for free. Then they will naturally learn Buddhist teachings.  These students have limited resources to afford renting a safe place to stay. Moreover, most, if not all, have not heard about Jesus Christ.

For the past 15 years of GCF’s ministry, about 300 plus students have stayed in our dorms. Mostly, when came, they were not Christians yet, but because they were exposed to the Scriptures on Sunday Worship and at least one or twice a week attending Bible Study, fellowships, mission exposures, etc. they would eventually surrender their lives to Christ. Student Dormitory is a very effective way to reach out to students. Within four years of staying, we teach, train, and equip them with the Word of God and involve them to serve the Lord.

When they graduate, some of them would continue to love and serve God as Businessmen, Professionals, Government Officers, Missionaries, and Pastors. They themselves bring Jesus wherever they go and work. This is one of the ways how God can use them to carry the Gospel and spread it out through their lives.

Currently, we have about 40 students in our dorms. And by the end of this year, we trust God to have at least 50 students!

Would you help us to reach our goal and reach more students for the Lord? You can join and partner with us in prayers and/or financial supports.

This is how we do it: We rent a building that can accommodate about 20 students.

Student Fellowship

Please be praying to see how God will call you to be a part of this ministry. You may want to support a full dorm or a part of the project.

For a student, we need $30.00/month. Or any amount or means the Holy Spirit is leading you. Thank you!


Here is the projected cost for one dormitory:

Renting the building:               $450.00

Parenting/ Dorm leader:         $250.00

Fellowship and Discipleship: $150.00

TOTAL:                                          $750.00

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